Meeting regarding 2nd UDMA Day

UDMA Members attending NIUM Foundation laying ceremony, Ghaziabad

First UDMA Day

Attending Training programme for AYSUH Drug Regulators, Industry..!!
Representatives of UDMA Maqbool Hasan,MD Nature & Nurture Healthcare P.LTD, Mohd Tahir,Director of Sana Herbals Pvt.Ltd. along with Janab Mohd Khalid saheb, ADC(Unani)-Department of Ayush Govt of Delhi

Governing body meeting 17 Aug 2019

Hamid Ahmed, President UDMA, Mohammad Jalees Ahmed and Parvez Ahemd
Attending Stamps release function at Vigyan Bhawan, 1 Sep 2019

Meeting of UDMA Governing Body held yesterday at India Islamic Cultural Center, Delhi, 23 June 2019